Consumer Services
We are unable to provide our inspection services directly to consumers as the cost of doing so is rarely cost effective. The only exception is if you are having to pursue litigation in which case your solicitor should contact our Director, Chris Roberts, through his website here
If you’re looking to purchase a new installation, the first thing we’d recommend is to make sure any installation company is MCS Certified. You can check here. We’d recommend you avoid any installation company which is not MCS Certified.
Even MCS Certified contractors are not perfect all the time so, if you are concerned about the quality of your installation (or just curious to check) we’ve included below some common faults we come across.
Roof Works
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Electrical Works
On first glance both of these images look similar and good workmanship. However, on the right, rather than feed the cables between the overlaps of roofing felt, they’ve punched a hole through it. This means the felt is less able to fulfil its function as a secondary means to keep the wind and rain out.